At Danyluk & Associates Private Wealth Management we focus on working with high-net-worth individuals, their families, and their businesses.

We choose to work with these types of clients because they value planning and its ability to transform a lifetime of work into a financial plan that allows them to live the life they want.

Our process ensures we maintain or enhance how clients spend their time, preserve their wealth, and create the legacy they envision.

Ultimately, our clients want to know they made the right choice for them, and we give them the tools to make it happen.

Pre-retirees and Retirees

You may have spent your working life accumulating wealth. Now you are getting ready to move to the next phase. This will involve a fundamental change in how you view and manage your wealth. While looking at ways to increase it, you are now also looking at ways to protect it to maintain your lifestyle and leave a legacy. The next stage of your life will be different.

The focus has moved from saving to growing, protecting, and enjoying your wealth.

We can help you address several realities:

  • You may live longer than you expect, and maintaining your lifestyle could become a challenge.
  • Managing your tax bill is even more critical to protecting your assets over time.
  • The strategies for creating a tax-efficient, life-long income are different.
  • Your ability to leave a legacy depends on a well-thought-out plan.

We are here to listen and help you look forward to a long and comfortable retirement.

Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

We work with business owners and entrepreneurs who have spent years and even lifetimes building their business. Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, we can help you maintain your lifestyle now and throughout your retirement. Building wealth goes beyond running a strong balance sheet and showing profits each year. A key to enjoying the results of your hard work is to build wealth inside and outside your business.

Building wealth goes beyond running a strong balance sheet and showing profits each year. A key to enjoying the results of your hard work is to build wealth inside and outside your business.

We can guide you in creating:

  • a succession plan to help ensure you get the return on your life investment you deserve
  • a holding company, a life insurance policy, and other tools to limit your tax liability
  • a well-diversified investment portfolio outside the business that can continue to generate income long after you have sold or moved on from your life as a business owner

As fellow business owners, we understand your needs and are here to help.

Agriculture and Farming Families

Changing government policy, global competition, difficulty in accessing capital and price volatility are just a few challenges you face. These issues can become less of a burden when you can rely on a team who can oversee your wealth management needs and free you to manage your business.

Our team can help you grow and protect your wealth, using our experience in investment management, tax and estate planning, business succession planning, life and business insurance structuring, and other tools to simplify your life.

We also understand the farming and agricultural sector and have served a range of mid-market clients from farm owners to large agri-business companies as well as producers and processors. And some members of our team have a farming background to complement their wealth management experience. We can also help you make the most of a variety of business-enhancing opportunities, including for example, the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit (“SR&ED”).

Suddenly Single

The loss of a partner through divorce or death is a life changing event. Allow us to assist you in managing your financial life, so you can focus on the emotional side.

Our process is to work with you over time to ensure your financial future is something you can count on. Together we can develop a strategy that identifies your current expenses, needs and wants, then begins the process of answering "Am I going to be OK?"

Danyluk & Associates has a full team of experienced consultants ready to work for you. With our highly personalized service, we will be there to answer questions and give advice as needed.

Women, Wealth & Well-being

Women’s financial well-being is often shaped by living longer, retiring earlier, pay disparity, and time out of the workforce as primary caregivers for children and aging parents. This means that the average woman will earn and invest less than a man over the long-term and spend more time in retirement years.

Together, we can create a financial plan that truly considers your needs, clarifies your goals, and explores all your “what if” questions. This includes factoring in the long-term costs of healthcare, living independently, evolving family dynamics, and proper estate planning.

Whether you’re looking to grow or protect your wealth, we understand it’s not just about investment returns—real financial advice is about you and how your money can provide security in your life and the lives of those you care about, today and tomorrow.